Parents, Teachers and Children’s Association
The PTCA is a voluntary group that was set up to support the school, raising funds to contribute towards school trips, author visits and IT equipment to name just a few examples.
PTCA events and activities include: School discos, craft nights, cake sales, quiz nights and school fairs at Christmas and in the summer.
Please contact the school office if you are interested in becoming involved in the PTCA, we would love to hear from you! or 01892 852574
If you would like to make a donation to the PTCA please note the following bank details and payment instructions:
Account name: Rotherfield Primary School PTA
Account no: 45555668
Sort code: 30-98-77
Please include your name as a reference (not your child's name) and email the treasurer at so that she can confirm the receipt of the donation. If you are a UK tax payer, click here to access the Gift Aid Declaration form.
Thank you for your support.